My Dearest Heart,

It wasn’t until after you had already boarded the plane this morning that I was able to give due consideration to the question you asked. Why did I fall in love with you? That simple question sent my mind racing into a million different directions, because until you asked, I never questioned the why. I just did and still do, but after spending all of the hours since you asked, trying to think of the whys- here’s my answer.

The first thing that drew me to you was your dry wit. I love how the rest of the world scurries by without giving much thought to their surroundings, but not you. You look at this world with eyes wide open, and even though you see its ugliness, you still find something to laugh about every day.

Not everyone appreciates your humor, but that’s their loss, because beneath it, you hide a deep compassion you think no one else sees. I not only see your compassion, I also see just much it costs you. You secretly wish you could right all of the wrongs of this world. You have hidden Superman powers, but every Superman can be crippled by kryptonite, so don’t let the fact that everything can’t be fixed, cripple you. This world of ours will always be on the verge of disaster. That’s not your fault, but I love you for wanting to make it better.

I love that once you saw me, you never looked away in the hopes of trying to find a prettier, smarter, or younger model. I also love that you love watching me grow as a person and you’re always the first one to applaud my feeble attempts to live out my dream. Dreams are hard to come by, so it’s so nice to have someone by my side who is my biggest cheerleader.

I love that you let me fail, without feeling the need to rush in to save the day. That means you don’t see me as a child you have to keep safe from all of the hurts and bruises we must all suffer to grow as a person. Crying is just as important to life as laughing, because how would we ever appreciate the good without first experiencing the bad?

But even after saying all of this, my first reaction to your question was my truest. I don’t need a reason to love you. I just do. My heart was drawn to yours and only yours.

Your Forever Love